Analysis of thriller film posters

We researched thriller film posters, in order to create our own poster. We considered many of the different factors of thriller posters. For example: the writing, the actual picture used and the implicit meaning of the poster. We looked up different types of thriller posters, such as:

Orphan (2009)


Sin City (2005)

sin_city_2_movie_poster_1 MEDIA

Disturbia (2007)

disturbia-poster MEDIA

Shutter Island (2010)


We therefore came up with this as our film poster:

Picture555Analysis of thriller film posters

By looking at a variety of different thriller film posters we chose many things into account. We decided from the ‘Orphan’ poster, we quite wanted the shot of our character looking directly at the camera, as a main focus for our poster. We then decided like the ‘Sin City’ poster, that we liked the look of the red, as the colour represents many things such as danger or blood. Which we wanted to show as an implicit meaning in the poster. This then led us on to the idea that we wanted the main focus of the poster, our main character’s face to be in black and white, like the ‘disturbia’ poster. We chose that we wanted the font to be bold and capitalised, like all the above posters except ‘disturbia’, we thought the effect of this will make the poster stand out, also making the name clear to read. We finally chose, that like the ‘Shutter Island’ poster that we wanted to show more than just the shot of our main character looking into the camera. So we added a photo in which implicitly shows danger. It is the point in the opening before our main character kills her fellow companion spy. We also made the picture red, again showing danger.

By Lauren

(Poster by Steffi)

Posted on December 21, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Good points:
    You have used a varied amount off media terminology and you have linked everything to research you have found and shown this through showing pictures and links to the website where you found the information you have also answered each question clearly and allways refer back to the question
    Things to work on:
    I think that you stould use more descriptive words to descibe why you have chosen to do certain things in your film.

  2. Very detailed analysis of your film. Good use of photos, hyperlinks to relate your film to others. To improve maybe proof read through your evaluation as some of the sentences do not make sense. Overall a very good evaluation that should get you very high marks!!

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